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Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Who We Are

The Manchester Preschool Center at Martin provides a safe and nurturing environment for children aged three to five years, with and without special needs. Our classes offer half-day programming located at Martin School.

Students are referred to the preschool program from a variety of sources, including parents, community-based preschools, State of Connecticut Birth to Three Programs, and local pediatricians.

The curriculum is aligned with the Connecticut Preschool Frameworks, with the added provision of individualized instruction based on students' unique needs. The preschool program promotes healthy emotional, social, cognitive, communicative, and physical development for all children.

An understanding of child development, respect for the individual needs of children, and ongoing assessment are all used to plan, organize, and direct the program.Classes consist of morning and afternoon sessions.

Three-year-olds attend the morning session, and four-year-olds attend the afternoon session.The Bureau of Special Education is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Office of Early Childhood and Sparkler, an app that is free for families and can be used as a developmental screening tool.

Sparkler also provides activities to support child development and assists parents with making connections with professionals.

This app engages families to promote healthy early childhood development. Information on how to download Sparkler is available.


 Information on how to download Sparkler.


By The Numbers


Student Enrollment


Number of Schools


Students Enrolled in College Career Readiness Courses


Net-Zero Schools


FAFSA Completion Rate